SPRING BREAK!!! Music to every college students ears. No school means more time for sunburns, warm weather, beaches, pools, and golfing 8 hours a day. Yes, golfing. The Seton Hall Women's Golf Team traveled down to Port St. Lucie, FL for a spring training trip (notice the lack of a 'break' in that phrase). We played many country clubs and got to practice at PGA village many days. My favorite was Bear Lakes in West Palm Beach, FL. It was the prettiest course I have ever been on, and regardless of the number of golfballs I lost, it was a memorable experience and the weather was perfect. We also visited, Jonathan's Landing due to the gracious invitation by a prominent Seton Hall alumnus. It was much more community oriented and less... ummm... "prissy" and what I believe an easier course to play. At PGA village we played the Ryder course two days. Once for practice, and another for a relaxed match play competition versus Rutgers University. Loved the course both times. Fairways in Florida seem wider than those in New Jersey. Our team was supposed to play the Jupiter Country Club but ended up getting rained out.
Since we were unable to play we instead went to the Justin Bieber movie, Never Say Never. I must say my opinion about him has completely changed and am now a huge fan, and currently following him on twitter (@justinbieber). Reasons? Why Justin? watch the movie and I guarantee you can NOT help but love him!

Ok back to golf. I am not the best on my team. I am honestly probably the worst. But I loved this trip because it let me bond with my teammates, get lots of practice in and have fun. My coach helped me out a lot and I made a lot of breakthroughs in my swing. I learned that I love to learn and love to get better, even if the outcome is relatively minor. My goals remain a big deal to me regardless of how small they seem to others. This was a spring break that was inspiring and relaxing.
Lesson Learned (From both Justin and Spring Training): No matter what your goals. never lose your dreams, never lose your hustle, and NEVER SAY NEVER!
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