She told me about her career and life and how things had changed and where they were now. She was always honest and open and enjoyed talking about every point in her life, even the downturns. This honesty is reflected in her work as well. Although the types of work she gets may vary, she always makes sure her photographs showcase her subject in an honest and sincere way. Rutten considers her work very spiritual in a non-secular way, and also uses it as her form of meditation.
She called it 108 days of Practice. I have seen many photoblogs or ones that post a photo a day, but hers was different. This idea of 108 days of meditation relates back to the number 108 being a very spiritual number repeated often in the world around us. A list of many of the number's meanings can be found HERE. Lauren is a firm believer that this everyday practice makes her actual career related work that much better, and also allows her to refocus her energy everyday. She says, "my 108 days of practice is a form of meditation. It allows me to appreciate the world around me everyday". She is currently in her second round of 108 days, and inspired me that day to take a closer or different look at the things around me. Her professional photography site can be found here at http://www.laurenruttenphoto.com Lesson Learned: It's not what you see it's how you see it.
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